Mar 26, 2012

Three dedicated students of Media Department at the University of Applied Sciences in Germany build-up a new EVA Management Group. Daisy Richter, Florian Pfennig and Elias Hlady (Head of the Group) work on the EVA dissemination strategy and on the EVA branding. The team will organize the upcoming EVA Consortium Meeting in Mittweida end of May and the International Conference in October.
Mar 8, 2012

The University of Appled Sciences in Tampere (TAMK) hosted the second EVA project meeting in Tampere, Finnand.
The European Virtual Academy follows the guidelines of building the European Higher Education Area as they are presented in the ECTS Users’ Guide. In autumn 2011 EVA started a series of online courses about visual culture, developed by professors from arts, media and social sciences. The present project is financed by the EU Long Life Learning Programme and will run until end of 2012. The plan is to continue the project in 2013 with more partners.